Major change log for Silent Way and PronSci charts


English version 1 launched. Changes from Gattegno’s 1978 American English Silent Way set included:

  • Separate British and American English sets
  • New PronSci Word charts, designed for use with intermediate and advanced level students
  • Revised Silent Way Word charts (for beginner level students), increased in number from 12 to 14
  • Re-organised Rectangle charts, including the arrangement of both vowels and consonants based on their place and manner of articulation and the separation of reduced sounds from full vowels
  • New Fidels (Spelling charts), changed from column listings to blocks of spellings arranged to reflect the position of their corresponding rectangles
  • Reduced pronunciations of function words shown on the Word charts using dots below them 

Charts printed on Tyvek substrate with Gattegno’s Pinske font (as updated and digitised by Educational Solutions Inc.).



Added Family Word chart.



English version 2 launched:

  • Change of font for improved legibility
  • Added Colours & Mathematics Word chart to the PronSci set

Change from Tyvek to Polypropylene substrate.



Change from Polypropylene to Synthetic Canvas substrate.

Spanish Silent Way version 1 launched. Differences from Gattegno's set:

  • New Rectangle chart
  • New Fidel
  • Updated Word charts



English PronSci version 3 launched:

  • Reorganisation of the vowel section of the Rectangle chart to reflect patterning of tense (long) vowels with diphthongs, and to place lax (short) vowels directly above the consonants
  • Reorganised Spelling chart, reflecting changes to new Rectangle chart
  • Addition of dashed rectangles and black dot to unstressed section of the Rectangle chart, making it possible to show the pattern of stress and reduction of words and strings of words at the same time as showing their sounds



French SW version 1 launched. Changes from Gattegno's version:

New Rectangle chart, consistent with an articulatory analysis of French pronunciation

New Fidel, organised in blocks reflecting the layout of the Rectangle chart, rather than in columns. The sizes of the font give indications about the use of the graphemes.

New Word charts, reorganised to be better adapted for non-beginners.



French SW version 2 launched. Modified Rectangle chart. Coding for the liaison system modified in the Fidel and Word charts.



New French Verb chart, giving examples of all the types of conjugations.

Alternative Fidel 'avec terminaisons muettes' to develop the grammatical dialogue used by writers of French.