About us

Pronunciation Science Ltd (PronSci) was started by Piers Messum and Roslyn Young to help and train those who would like to transform the way they teach pronunciation.

Piers and Ros have studied the problem of teaching pronunciation both practically and theoretically. Between them they have over 45 years experience teaching English pronunciation - to adults, teenagers and children; to miners and airline pilots; to university students and migrants; ...

Piers has taught English in Japan and France and now works in the UK. His PhD research at University College London was on how English speaking children learn to pronounce, and he has a research website where the thesis and his more recent published work is available. His papers are also available on ResearchGate.

Roslyn taught English for many years at the Centre de Linguistique Appliquée at the Université de Franche-Comte in Besançon, France. She worked for Une Education Pour Demain for more than 30 years and did teacher training for Actualis. Her PhD was about how English and French are taught as foreign languages by those who use the teaching principles described by Caleb Gattegno. Her most recent book is L'anglais avec l'approche Silent Way.


Before she retired she was awarded Les palmes académiques for her services to education. Find out more about her work at her website.

Together, Roslyn and Piers wrote How we learn and how we should be taught: an introduction to the work of Caleb Gattegno.